b'C HAPTER T WENT YA Q U E S T I O N O F M ISSIN O Idaho has established beyond question its attitude and posturetoward the atomic energy industry.Idaho Department of CommerceT sustained nuclear reaction had taken the elaborate occasion. Volunteers of theplace. The matter of the speaker wire, Eastern Idaho Labor and Trades Councilhe White House the only flaw in the highly orchestrated built the speakers stand. The membersstaff had wired up the sound system. A event, was soon corrected. 2 of the American Nuclear Society and thetechnician from one of the national top administrative tier of the IDO hadradio stations tampered with it and acci- NRTS supporters had grasped the visit discreetly suggested that the presidentdentally cut the signal from the micro- as a superior opportunity to show off the use the occasion to make a major policyphone to the loudspeakers. The NRTS. The arrangements committee address on nuclear energy . To their dis-President of the United States, Lyndon extended well beyond the IDO. T heappointment, Johnson was not inclined.B. Johnson, had just begun to address a Eastern Idaho Chamber of Commerce He did, however, affirm his faith in thehuge audience, and no one could hear and the bank presidents from the sur- potential of nuclear energy for thehim. Bill Ginkel, sitting on the platform rounding towns lent their resources to future: What happened here merelywith other dignitaries and acting as the raised the curtain on a promising dramamaster of ceremonies, saw the stricken in our long journey to a better life. 3faces of his staff as they looked to himto do something. He fervently wished Still, he was the first president to visithe could, as the presidents displeasure the NRTS, and honoring the EBR-I waswas quite apparent. 1 a worthy reason. AEC Chairman GlennSeaborg dedicated the plaque at EBR-I,The platform was adjacent to the and on dignitary platform were LadyTechnical Services Building at Central, Bird Johnson, four AEC commission-facing Lincoln Boulevard and a crowd ers, Admiral Rickover, Governorof more than 12,000 people. It was Smylie, and congressional representa-August 26, 1966. Less than twenty tives as well. 4years after the invention of the NRTS,one of its giant achievements was on Behind the public facade, other agendasthis day being designated as a were at work. Ginkel had a chance toRegistered National Historic Landmark. discuss the AEC budget with the presi-EBR-I had been decommissioned only Argonne National Laboratory-East 1534 dent, and the IDO had a chance to givetwo years previously, and now it was in President Lyndon Johnson and Dr. Glenn Seaborg the AEC commissioners a very goodthe national pantheon along with Valley attend the designation of EBR-I as a National Historic impression of the NRTS. Milton ShawsForge, Hoover Dam, and the site in Landmark. s ta ff held a round of business meetings Chicago where the worlds first self- and could see how far the NRTS had pro-1 9 2'