b'E C O N O M YThe area is high in agricultural use, but the largest employment sectors are manufacturing, government, and retail trade. The county is experiencing many of the youth leaving the area in search of jobs. The County and the communities within the county want to encourage more employment opportunities for the youth so they can make their- homes in the county. The local businesses serve the residents of the county in lling everyday commercial and service needs. This includes a wide gamut of retail and service establishments. Several agriculturally based businesses are also located in Lewis County, meeting the needs of farmers and ranchers in the area.6Most of Lewis Countys businesses are located in and around the incorporated cities of Nezperce, Kamiah, Winchester, and Craigmont. Recent establishment of the Areas of City Impact; areas designated outside the city limits for more urban-like and industrial development, indicates that some heavy agricultural uses, such as conned animal feeding operations or CAFOs may conict with these more urban zones and are more appropriate in other areas of the county.AgricultureTotal and Per Farm Overview, 2017 and change since 20122017 % change since 2012Number of farms 197 -9Land in farms (acres) 200,435 -9Average size of farm (acres) 1,017 -1Percent of county land in farms 65.2%FIGURE 6. Lewis County Total Farm Overview 72017 Market Value of Agricultural Products SoldCounties Sales ($1,000) Rank in State Producing ItemTotal37,782 28 44Crops34,096 23 44Grains, oilseeds, dry beans, dry peas24,974 18 42Tobacco- - -Cotton and cottonseed- - -Vegetables, melons, potatoes, sweet potatoes- - 41Fruits, tree nuts, berries(D) 34 37Nursery, greenhouse, \x1boriculture, sod(D) 25 43Cultivated Christmas trees, short rotation woody crops- - 14Other crops and hay(D) 27 44Livestock, poultry, and products3,686 41 44Poultry and eggs(D) 6 43LEWIS County 493'