b'Climate Changearound agricultural elds. This development typeTemperatures have risen by about 1.5 degrees Celsius is 122 times more likely to be converted to urbansince the pre-industrial era (1880-1900) (see Figure 6). high-density land use than other agricultural land.Meanwhile, incidents of severe weather, including Furthermore, LDR development typically raisesdroughts, seasonal temperature extremes, high winds, adjacent land prices, making it dicult for newand ooding have increased, along with reductions farmers to buy land; this often results in retiringin snow cover and sea ice.18 As these extreme farmers selling their land to developers instead,weather conditions intensify, worldwide agricultural eectively ending agricultural production in thoseproduction suers a decrease in quality and quantity areas.15 To combat this loss of farmland, agriculturalof goods, which leads to increased prices of products land easement programs have been establishedas costs rise.19to provide funds for farmers when they commit portions of their land to continued agricultural useClimate change is expected to aect Idaho agriculture in in the future. The easements are deed agreementsnew and alarming ways. While some farms may benet between landowners and conservation organizationsfrom longer growing seasons and the fertilizing eect or state government to protect the lands resources,of carbon dioxide, crop yields are generally expected including agricultural capabilities, grazing, water,to drop with increases in temperature and drought and wildlife. Another way to protect farmland isconditions, especially if decreases in summer streamow through the creation and strict implementation ofreduce the water available for irrigation. Additionally, city comprehensive plans. By designating areas ashigher levels of CO2 generally decrease nutritional agricultural land in the plans and then upholdingcontent in plants and may contribute to more weed those decisions, these areas can be saved from thegrowth, requiring more interventive practices. Livestock, encroachment of non-agricultural development.16, 17 too, may be adversely aected by warmer weather. Climate Change1.0Global Temperature Anomaly (C) compared to 1901-20000. 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020YEARFIGURE 6. History of global surface temperature since 1880 18Idaho Agricultural Forecast 23'