5 Fast neutron testing Tomorrow’s advanced nuclear reactors, particularly fast neutron reactors, will require different testing facilities than those that support today’s nuclear power plants. The U.S. doesn’t have access to a test reactor that matches the operating conditions of many new technologies, and international testing facilities are not a viable option for American companies to use. The DOE Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) program aims to solve that problem while sustaining American leadership in nuclear energy technology. Its efforts are focused on maturing the initial concept for a sodium-cooled fast test reactor. INL leads the VTR team, which includes researchers from Argonne, Oak Ridge, Los Alamos and Pacific Northwest national laboratories, as well as Texas A&M. In 2018, the VTR program took steps to establish broad engagement with national laboratories, industry, universities and the technical community. On Aug. 29, 2018, U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry presented the Secretary of Energy Honor Award to employees who were instrumental in the successful restart of TREAT: John Bumgardner, Lloyd Brown, Dave Broussard, Loren Kinghorn and Lee Nelson (INL); Julie Conner, Rick Denning, Roger Harshbarger and William Watson (DOE-ID); and Jason Tokey (DOE-HQ). The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World AN INTERDISCIPLINARY MIT STUDY Informing decisions to reduce carbon INL Fellow Dr. David Petti led a study called “The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World” as part of a two-year joint appointment to Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The analysis offers evidence that nuclear power can be essential to achieving a decarbonized energy future in many parts of the world, but that issues of cost and policy need to be addressed. The report, released in September by the MIT Energy Initiative, emphasizes the need for cost-cutting advances and forward-thinking policymaking. The study group presented its findings and recommendations at events in London, Paris, Brussels, Washington, D.C., and Tokyo. Defending against threats to infrastructure Threats posed by cyber or physical attacks on control systems could impact nearly every critical sector — from power to transportation to military systems. INL’s Cybercore Integration Center establishes a national capability to defend against such attacks through expertise, technology innovation and information sharing. Cybercore integrates teams of all-source intelligence analysts, world-class cyber engineers, award-winning researchers and control systems experts. Together they analyze and mitigate threats to critical infrastructure for the U.S. government and private industry. These partnerships are aligned to drive a national R&D strategy that balances urgent and long-term needs; to develop, test and deploy innovative control systems cybersecurity capabilities and methodologies; and to educate a control systems cybersecurity workforce. More information is on pp. 7, 10, 11, 27 and 33.