33 INL employees who work with schools and community-based organizations — Team STEMazing volunteers — led more than 40 events, working with more than 509 teachers and 3,800 students. INL and CAES are planning a new Research & Educational Ecosystem using future upgrades to the Idaho Regional Optical Network (IRON), which will be installed for INL’s new Cybercore Integration Center and Collaborative Computing Center. Assets include links for researchers to high-performance computing, experimental systems, collaborative analysis and large data sets. INL worked with College of Eastern Idaho (CEI) on the second Cybercore Summer Camp, which introduced high school students to the growing field of cybersecurity through hands- on activities, access to industry and university mentors, and experiences in facilities using and teaching cybersecurity. It was sponsored by the Idaho STEM Action Center, CEI, University of Idaho, Idaho State University and INL. STEMazing 369 54 291 In FY 2018, INL hosted 369 interns, 54 post-doctoral fellows and 291 employee continuing education participants. INL established the Glenn T. Seaborg Distinguished Postdoctoral Associate program, a competitively awarded position for outstanding early-career scientists in solid state chemistry, nuclear physics, solution chemistry, materials science, radiation chemistry and other related fields applied to actinides.